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No Lion Sleeps Tonight

No Lion Sleeps Tonight

dr. haasters & partner gmbh supports the event “No Lion Sleeps Tonight” on Friday, 24 July 2015, starting at 7 pm. For this purpose, we support the organizers not only financially, but also in the technical implementation such as the new website.

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Lions Comedy Night

Lions Comedy Night

Außerdem unterstützen wir die Benefiz-Veranstaltung “Lions Comedy Night”, die am Samstag 24. Oktober 2015 um 19:30 Uhr in der Stadthalle Karlsruhe stattfindet und Musikkabarett, Clownerei, Akrobatik, Rock & Pop vom Feinsten bieten wird.

We also support the charity event “Lions Comedy Night” on Saturday, 24 October 2015. The event starts at 7:30 pm at the city hall of Karlsruhe and includes musical cabaret, clowning, acrobatics, Rock & Pop.

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